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Let's Take a Moment to Talk About Youth Homelessness


Here are some relevant statistics that concern homelessness in teens and families in the US according to the National Foster Youth Institute (NFYI) & iFoster

Quoted from

  • “On any given day, there are approximately 400,000 children in foster care in the United States.”

  • “Each year, 20,000 young adults age out of foster care.”

  • “One in five will become homeless after 18.”

  • “Just half will be employed at the age of 24.”

  • “According to iFoster, within four years of aging out, 50% of TAY [Transition Age Youth] have no earnings, and those who do make an average annual income of $7,500. And 25% of foster youth will be in prison within two years of emancipation.”

  • “50% of the homeless population spent time in foster care.”

Quoted from

  • “For children in foster care, the government invests less than 50% of what it costs to raise a child.”

  • “Given the facts, it is not surprising that within four years of aging out:

  • 70% will be on government assistance.

50% will be unemployed.

50% will experience homelessness.

25% will not have completed high school.

Less than 12% will every earn their college degree.

Resulting in $1 Million economic burden to society for each young person we fail.”

It may not immediately occur to people how severe the issue has become, but those that know too well are exactly the ones in need of all our help. When a child is taken as a ward of the state, it becomes the responsibility of the government and of the people to raise and care for those children in their guardians’ absence regardless of why. They don’t need to have blame or prejudice placed on them, they need compassionate support and mentorship. They don’t need to have the names of their loved ones slandered in front of them regardless of their situation, they need help establishing hope for a more secure and prosperous future for themselves.

In many ways the current system has failed so many, so it is up to the people to uphold their end of the bargain for the rest of the children in care. It is our hope that we may raise more awareness for the betterment of all children and teens in the system to combat some of the unfortunate statistics listed above.

It is our goal to help each teen in our care break out from the statistics, not as exceptions, but as catalysts of change to demonstrate how obtainable success and happiness can be after aging out. The problem is not that they are unwilling or incapable, it is that they need more from the communities that they will soon come to represent.

This silent epidemic in our communities affects all of us in some way by causing a preventable uptick in crime, homelessness, risk of human trafficking, addiction, poverty, incarceration, undereducation, and so many other issues. They will be more susceptible to adverse health conditions in their lives and will be more likely to engage in high-risk lifestyles that can endanger themselves and others without the proper support. But it is preventable and there is no reason why they shouldn’t receive all the unconditional love, care, and attention that we can give to prevent their struggles.

We ask you all during this giving season to not just consider the consequences of not helping the youth in the foster care system, but to strike change in our communities by helping us to provide it. Help us support teens by teaching life skills and empowering them to be the next generation of leaders, because that is what they are. With their resiliency and our guidance, every teen that ages out of the system will be more prepared to transition into adulthood. It is hard enough to traverse the current climate, imagine how they might feel otherwise.

Consider getting involved and becoming an advocate in this fight to stop homelessness after foster care by helping us to raise awareness to this issue. Also please consider donating to our cause here.



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