Through the course of several months and ongoing communication with DCS, we are eagerly awaiting the final steps to conclude.
During this time, we have made strides in establishing our presence in the community by partnering with businesses and individuals that share our passion for helping fostered youth. We’ve made connections with other established group homes and resource centers to gain valuable insight and to broaden our overarching network. The collective expertise of others in the space can only bring with it value for our youth.
Paired with the contributions from sponsors and donors, we will be able to maintain an exemplary level of support from day one. The consistency and stability that youth depend on through their adolescence can be implemented early on and throughout early adulthood as well.
We're Not Just a Group Home
When we say that we will provide extended support in and after care, our Independent Living Program is being designed to do just that.
We are proactively facilitating the construction of Casitas separate from the group home itself, but accessible to youth that have turned 18. They will allow for a safe place for youth aging out of the system to live and seek additional support as needed.
As an extension to services that we will provide for youth preparing to transition into adulthood, we will also channel resources to youth that will directly assist with obtaining housing and that help them meet all of their other needs after foster care. Our efforts will directly combat the issues of youth homelessness while quite literally providing them with a village to come back to.
Check back soon to find out more.