Homelessness is a topic close to our hearts at VDA, especially because of the way that it impacts some of the most vulnerable people and families in our communities. We have directed our approach to combat homelessness after foster care since so many young people that age out of foster care tend to be left to their own devices.
We imagine that young people in these situations may have a harder time trusting, and will experience trauma during their journey into adulthood. We imagine too that they will have a harder time regaining stability. Something they likely never had much of an opportunity to fully experience amid the turmoil of their youth
Yes, this hypothetical scenario may be based largely on assumption, but the truth in it cannot be ignored. We feel strongly about the topic and work toward compiling and providing those resources that may best impact those at risk of becoming homeless after foster care.
We believe that foster care should encourage growth and teach sustainability in the youth that we serve. We also feel that homeless in this population can and should be avoided at all costs as kids in foster care rely heavily on the goodwill and positive intentions of the adults in their lives. And as those figures, we are responsible for not only taking care of them at the moment but providing them the opportunities to learn how to care for themselves.

It cannot be overstated that homelessness at any stage of life can be traumatic and perpetuate a sense of self-doubt or dread when thinking about the future. Understandably, it can be unnerving just to think about the possibility of becoming homeless. There are no guarantees of safety or good health, and there are a lack of resources in our communities to assist the homeless population as a whole.
That being said, why wouldn’t we do everything within our power to keep them off of the streets in the first place? Children in foster care are already at a disadvantage due to differing circumstances in their upbringing that displaces them from their families to no fault of their own.
With that in mind, it becomes more reasonable that so many foster children may have a harder time trusting and maintaining healthy relationships. It is on us as the responsible adults in their lives to have the compassion and patience to teach them otherwise.
As a side note, we simply aim to make up the difference when it comes to the shortcomings of our current system and we are endlessly appreciative of other foster families that do their best to enrich the lives of their foster kids. We believe that a community should come together to help the less fortunate and give back to the disenfranchised and overlooked.